Full Stack Developer

I have been working for 5 years as a software developer, at start up and scale up companies, within smaller and bigger R&D departments.

During that time, I was able to work on different projects, from image processing algorithms, to mobile and web applications, developed using components-based frameworks (react and owl), and backend architecture.

On the side, I work on different projects. Recently, I made the website of my sister, who is an illustrator. Check it out !

Work experiences


Full Stack Developer - from Dec 2022

Worked on frontend redesigns, backend and infrastructure scaling.

Technologies used: Vue.js, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, AWS, Terraform.


Software Developer - from Jan 2021 to Nov 2022

Implement Website Builder and eCommerce features.

Led the refactoring of the website builder from a standalone vanilla javascript app to integrate it in the main webclient using owl, a component-based framework.


Software Engineer - from Sept 2019 to Dec 2020

Worked on users onboarding, accounts and cards creation, payments retrieval, internal payments and marketplace offers purchase.

Implemented various integrations with providers, and data models of the main micro services on the backend. Implemented integrations with various providers on the iOS and Android applications and navigation flows when communicating with the backend.

Booqee (acquired by TOCO/Lyanthe)

Software Engineer - from Sept 2018 to Aug 2019

Continuous development of an application suite aiming to improve accountant's collaboration with their clients.
Frontend development, implementation of roadmap features in :
- iOS and Android applications using React Native, Objective C and Java
- Mac and Windows applications using Electron and React
- Web application using React

Other technologies used : Redux, GraphQL with Apollo, Jest.
Backend development using Express, REST, and GraphQL with Apollo.

Other works : Implementation of an image processing library based on OpenCV, a pdf management library based on Hummus JS, and integrated features with other accounting softwares (Silverfin and Connective) using their REST API.

Booqee (acquired by TOCO/Lyanthe)

Software Engineering Intern - from Feb 2018 to Aug 2018

Implementation of a state-of-the-art (machine learning based) real time document detection on a video stream algorithm in an iOS application.

Implementation of a document classification machine learning algorithm.